Hillbilly Bone x Armageddon x Hillbilly Bone x Doolittle Raid x 7up
Stress Status: Negative
Semen: Semen is not for sale at this time
Owned With: Leased from Kirk Swanson
Housed At: Heimer Hamps
Description: You just have to see this one in person to truly understand and appreciate how unique he really is. His mother is a young rising star in the prominent herd at Swanson’s. He epitomizes ‘depth of pedigree’ and takes bone, foot size and sheer stoutness to another level. He is without question, the shortest bodied animal we’ve ever seen that is proportionate and maintains balance. He probably isn’t for everyone but at HH, we see an opportunity to take an extreme step forward. First litters are due March 2015