Well over a decade ago, we made the decision to rent off-site facilities to grow gilts and while some might call it hoarding, we’ve always believed in keeping the pipeline well-stocked. We also subscribe to the theory that you can’t sell what you don’t have, so for better or worse, the building is always fill, regardless of the price of feed! We have consistently approached show pig sales in the same manner for many years; we offer a small percentage of the best and most-ready gilts in our sales with the hope that they find a good home and get a chance to shine in the show ring. That approach has served us well and we’re proud of the countless gilts that have found the backdrop. However, experience and history have proven that the ‘other percentage’ of the gilt crop, the ones that aren’t offered as show pigs, often make the largest contributions in our sowherd. In fact, many, if not most of the proven sows we’ve sold to date through the Built the Brand Sales, have been gilts that were grown off-site and were eventually given the chance to make their mark.
The oft-used phrase ‘can’t keep them all’ has never been more true than it is right now. Our purebred sow numbers continue to climb, across multiple breeds, and as mcuh as we’d like to stay the course and retain these like normal, we can’t. We need to cut this group in half and that effort is YOUR OPPORTUNITY! We will sell the FIRST 30 GILTS CLAIMED and keep the rest.
- Gilts available for viewing by appointment only – unfortunately, there are no pictures or videos
- Contact Karl (217) 653-3941 or Jesse (217) 257-0138 with questions or to schedule an appointment
- Group discounts available
- Semen access to HH Boars available with purchase of gilt(s)
- Will work with third-party haulers for nationwide delivery