We’ve been working around the farm getting ready for our Fall Online Sales! Pictures have been taken and will be posted on our website shortly. Next Thursday on September 20th we will be offering an elite set of Hamp and Cross showpigs that are sure to compete at January shows such as the Arizona National Livestock Show in Phoenix, the National Western Stock Show in Denver, or the Ft. Worth Stock Show. Watch for photos to be posted soon and look for the sale Thursday night on www.showpig.com.


In addition to this sale we will also be consigning one elite gilt to the DRIVE Power Female Sale, hosted with DRIVE Online Sales. To view this gilt and bid on other elite gilts from around the country visit www.drivepigsales.com!

One thought on “July Prospect Pigs Sell Next Week!

  1. Enjoyed looking at your online sale pics. Do you have any Aug. Pigs for sale? Grandkids looking for pigs for Dixie National. If so would you have rides headig south toward Mississippi?

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