Welcome to the 2020 edition of “The Ones That Built the Brand!” This is the fourth time we’ve assembled our best and most proven sows to offer them at auction and we can say with confidence, they’re as good as they’ve ever been! I am excited about this offering, but I am THRILLED to welcome […]
Earn It!
If you’ve ever shown a junior livestock project, there’s not doubt you’ve dreamt of the moment. It’s the final drive. The judge makes his final remarks on the microphone and returns it to the announcer. You’re completely focused, yet you can feel the energy as the crowd goes silent. The judge takes one last look […]
Bring back the Hampshire Sire
When I need perspective the most, I can usually find it by looking back, retracing a few steps and pausing a few minutes to remember the way it used to be. I’m no historian and I wasn’t alive in the 70’s but in the 80’s I was learning and I never had to wonder how […]
Tag… You’re It!
To be quite frank, I’ve always hated tags! It didn’t matter if I was tagging a showpig at a pig sale, show barrow at the county fair or even sows at the farm in the distant past…I hated tags! Some were too big, some were too small and some were even noisy and annoying but […]