Shelby Sutter
Graduated High School, 2010
Graduated Rieman College of Nursing, 2014
Currently Nurse at Jasper County Emergency Room, Rensselaer, IN
Just like many of the Heimer Hamps former showmen, Shelby truly learned the value of hard work and quickly saw that she got back what she put into her projects. “The harder I worked with my hogs, the more successful I was,” she said. Her advice would be to give it your all – not just in the show ring, but in life. “You will not be successful in your career, school or relationships if you give less than 100%!”
Shelby credits showing for forcing her to get out of her shell and helping build her confidence.
“Showing taught me how to build relationships with new people. Today, I have to build relationships with fellow coworkers and patients. I meet new people everyday at work and in order to provide the best care for my patients, I need to develop a caring relationship.
Most Memorable HH Moment: When I first started showing, I went out for showmanship the first time. Heimer got my attention from ringside and told me to stop smiling. Anybody that knows me knows that is a pretty hard task, but anybody that knows Heimer knows that he is all business.